Working Papers

Energy Transitions in Regulated Markets
(with Gautam Gowrisankaran and Mar Reguant) Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Review

PFAS-Contaminated Drinking Water Harms Infants
(with Robert Baluja, Bo Guo, Wesley Howden, and Derek Lemoine)
Under review at a journal with pre-publication distribution restrictions

What Were the Odds? Estimating the Market’s Probability of Uncertain Events
(with Derek Lemoine)

Ramping Costs and Coal Generator Exit
(with Miguel Borrero and Gautam Gowrisankaran)

Published and Forthcoming Papers

Policy Uncertainty in the Market for Coal Electricity: The Case of Air Toxics Standards
(with Gautam Gowrisankaran and Wendan Zhang) Accepted at the
Journal of Political Economy

Fueling Alternatives: Gas Station Choice and the Implications for Electric Charging
(with Jackson Dorsey and Shaun McRae) Accepted at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Designing Dynamic Subsidies to Spur Adoption of New Technologies
(with Derek Lemoine) Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 9(6), November, 2022, Editor’s Choice article
(Winner of Ralph C. d’Arge and Allen V. Kneese Award for Outstanding Publication in the
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics)

Escalation of Scrutiny: The Gains from Dynamic Enforcement of Environmental Regulations
(with Wesley Blundell and Gautam Gowrisankaran)
American Economic Review, 110(8): 2558-2585, August, 2020
Online Appendix
A problem set built off of this paper is available here.

From Gallons to Miles: A Disaggregate Analysis of Automobile Travel and Externality Taxes
(with Vikram Maheshri and Clifford Winston)
Journal of Public Economics, 152, p 34-46, August, 2017

The Intergenerational Transmission of Automobile Brand Preferences
(with Soren Anderson, Ryan Kellogg, and James Sallee)
Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(4), p 763-93, December 2015 

Automakers’ Short-Run Responses to Changing Gasoline Prices
(with Nathan Miller)
Review of Economics and Statistics, 95(4), p 1198-1211, October 2013

Toward A Comprehensive Assessment of Road Pricing Accounting for Land Use
(with Clifford Winston)
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, p127-175, Fall 2008

The Effect of Government Highway Spending on Road Users’ Congestion Costs
(with Clifford Winston)
Journal of Urban Economics 60(3), p463-83, November 2006

Work in Progress

Regulating Power Plant Emissions: Environmental Justice, Enforcement, and Regulator Preferences
(with Gautam Gowrisankaran and Konan Hara)

Resting Papers

Step On It: A New Approach to Improving Vehicle Fuel Economy
(with Shaun McRae)

(Dis)Incentives for Demographic Price Discrimination in the New Vehicle Market